اعتقاد داشتم و دارم که برای رانندگی تو تهران باید ماشینی خرید که مطمئنی روشن میشه و میره! همین! اصلا مهم نیست مارک و مدلش چیه. اصلا مهم نیست چقدر سرعت و شتابشه. اصلا مهم نیست رنگش چیه!
چون تو ترافیک های تهران هیچ ماشینی با اون یکی فرقی نداره. تو تصادفات که برای هر ماشینی تو تهران حتمیه باید لوازم یدکیش ارزون ترین باشه و ...
برای همین اولین ماشینم یه PK بود که تازه تحویل گرفتم. طبق سیستم خودم هم ارزون بود هم مطمئن بودم روشن میشه و میره. البته همون هفته اول تصادفات بهش شروع شد! و خوشحال بودم که انتخاب درستی کردم.
مشکل چیزی بود که فکرشو نمیکردم. تو سیستم فکریه همکارا و دوستان ، شخصیت آدما وابسته به ماشینشونه!
آقای مهندس که با پی-کی نمیشه!اصلا کسی تحویلت نمیگیره! اصلا بو بینیم بابا!
مدیر هم که شدیم همین مشکل درست شد! مگه میشه آقای مدیر ...
منشیم یه 206 داشت و همه بچه های تیم آی تی دیگه حدددد اقل پراید داشتن. کسایی که دوستم داشتن بهم توصیه کردن فورا یه ماشین بهتر بگیرم وگرنه نمیشه! منم که عمرا! دیگه به زور مدیر ارشد این اواخر یه پراید که اونم مال شرکت بود!
اصلا با رانندگی حال نمیکردم و برام حتی یه فاصله 20 کیلومتری عذاب آور بود. بد تر از همه دوستام رو میدیدم که هر چند وقت یبار با لب و لوچه آویزون میومدن پیشم که آره ... دیشب کنسول 206 م رو دزدیدن، پخشم و دزدیدن ، درو شکوندن بلنگوها رو بردن و ... منم که خیالم راحت بود آقا دزده با کلاسه و کاری به پی-کی نداره... حالا همه میگفتن حق با تو هست ولی باز میرفتن یه ماشین مدل بالا تر میخریدن چون عقل جامعه ما به چشممونه
تااااااااااااااااا اینجا
که 8 تا ماشینو امتحان کردم تا بهترینشو انتخاب کنم چون رانندگی اینجا برام لذت بخشه ، ایمنه و میشه بعضی وقتا شیطونی کرد و یه گازی داد ولی متاسفانه! دیگه به ماشین آدم اهمیت نمیدن تا شخصیتش خیلی مهمش بیاد دستشون!
بعد نوشت:
ینی من عااااااااااااااااااااااشق این دیالوگم
J : Juan
C: Cristina
V: Vicky
J: American?
C: I'm Cristina,and this is my friend Vicky.
J: What color are your eyes?
C: Uh... they're blue.
J: I'd like to invite you both to come with me to Oviedo.
V: To come where?
J: To Oviedo.For the weekend.We leave in one hour.
V: What... where is Oviedo?
J: A very short flight.
V: By plane? What's in Oviedo?
J: I go to see a sculpture that is very inspiring to me.Very beautiful sculpture. You will love it.
V: Oh, right, you're asking us to fly to Oviedo and back.
J: No, we'll spend the weekend.I mean, I'll show you around the city and we'll eat well,we'll drink good wine,we'll m - a - k - e love.
V: Yeah, well, who exactly is going to "m - a - k - e love"?
J: Hopefully, the three of us.
V: Oh, my God.
J: I'll get your bill.
V: Jesus, this guy!He doesn't beat around the bush.Look, senior, maybe in a different life.
J: Why not? Life is short,life is dull, life is full of pain,and this is a chance for something special.
V: Right, well, who exactly are you?
j: I am Juan Antonio. And you are... Vicky, and you are Cristina, right? Or is it the other way around?
V: Yeah, that's right. It could be the other way around, because frankly it doesn't matter, because either of us will do to keep the bed warm.You know, I get it.
J: Well, you are both so lovely and beautiful.
V: Yeah, thank you, but we do not fly off to m - a - k - e love with whoever invites us to charming little Spanish towns.
J to C:Does she always analyze every inspiration until its grain of charm is... Uh... squeezed out of it?
C: I guess I have to say that I'm... My eyes are green, actually.
V: Oh, God, look... I wouldn't call our reluctance to leap at your s-e - xual offer being over-analytical. If you would care to join us for some recognized form of social interaction, like a drink, then we'd be fine, but otherwise, I think you should try, you know, offering to some other table.
J: What offended you about the offer? Surely not that I find you both beautiful and desirable?
V: Offended me? No. It's very amusing... galling, to be honest... but... Is it my imagination, or is it getting late?
C: Shall we go? I would love to go to Oviedo.
V: What? Are you kidding? Can we discuss...
C: I think it would be so much fun. I think we should go. I would love to go.
V: Cristina, can we discuss this some other time, when...
J: You know, when I saw you across the room at the art gallery, I noticed you have, uh, beautiful lips. Very full, very sensual.
C: Thank you.
V: Okay, okay, look. If you want to go...
C: Well, I can't guarantee the lovemaking, because I happen to be very moody.
J: Let's not negotiate like a contract.I came over here with no subterfuge and presented my best offer.Now I hope you will discuss it and give me the pleasure to take you with me to Oviedo. I have the good fortune to borrow my friend's plane. It is just big enough for the three of us, and I am a very good pilot.
V: Oh, it sounds very safe.
J: Think it over.
V: I hope you're joking about going.
C: My God, this guy is so interesting.
V: Interesting? What's so interesting? He wants to get us both into bed. You know, but he'll settle for either,in this case you.
C: Vicky, I'm a big girl, okay? If I want to sleep with him I will,if not, I won't.
V: Cristina, he's a total stranger.
V: It's a mistake, Cristina.
C: Cristina
V: Vicky
J: American?
C: I'm Cristina,and this is my friend Vicky.
J: What color are your eyes?
C: Uh... they're blue.
J: I'd like to invite you both to come with me to Oviedo.
V: To come where?
J: To Oviedo.For the weekend.We leave in one hour.
V: What... where is Oviedo?
J: A very short flight.
V: By plane? What's in Oviedo?
J: I go to see a sculpture that is very inspiring to me.Very beautiful sculpture. You will love it.
V: Oh, right, you're asking us to fly to Oviedo and back.
J: No, we'll spend the weekend.I mean, I'll show you around the city and we'll eat well,we'll drink good wine,we'll m - a - k - e love.
V: Yeah, well, who exactly is going to "m - a - k - e love"?
J: Hopefully, the three of us.
V: Oh, my God.
J: I'll get your bill.
V: Jesus, this guy!He doesn't beat around the bush.Look, senior, maybe in a different life.
J: Why not? Life is short,life is dull, life is full of pain,and this is a chance for something special.
V: Right, well, who exactly are you?
j: I am Juan Antonio. And you are... Vicky, and you are Cristina, right? Or is it the other way around?
V: Yeah, that's right. It could be the other way around, because frankly it doesn't matter, because either of us will do to keep the bed warm.You know, I get it.
J: Well, you are both so lovely and beautiful.
V: Yeah, thank you, but we do not fly off to m - a - k - e love with whoever invites us to charming little Spanish towns.
J to C:Does she always analyze every inspiration until its grain of charm is... Uh... squeezed out of it?
C: I guess I have to say that I'm... My eyes are green, actually.
V: Oh, God, look... I wouldn't call our reluctance to leap at your s-e - xual offer being over-analytical. If you would care to join us for some recognized form of social interaction, like a drink, then we'd be fine, but otherwise, I think you should try, you know, offering to some other table.
J: What offended you about the offer? Surely not that I find you both beautiful and desirable?
V: Offended me? No. It's very amusing... galling, to be honest... but... Is it my imagination, or is it getting late?
C: Shall we go? I would love to go to Oviedo.
V: What? Are you kidding? Can we discuss...
C: I think it would be so much fun. I think we should go. I would love to go.
V: Cristina, can we discuss this some other time, when...
J: You know, when I saw you across the room at the art gallery, I noticed you have, uh, beautiful lips. Very full, very sensual.
C: Thank you.
V: Okay, okay, look. If you want to go...
C: Well, I can't guarantee the lovemaking, because I happen to be very moody.
J: Let's not negotiate like a contract.I came over here with no subterfuge and presented my best offer.Now I hope you will discuss it and give me the pleasure to take you with me to Oviedo. I have the good fortune to borrow my friend's plane. It is just big enough for the three of us, and I am a very good pilot.
V: Oh, it sounds very safe.
J: Think it over.
V: I hope you're joking about going.
C: My God, this guy is so interesting.
V: Interesting? What's so interesting? He wants to get us both into bed. You know, but he'll settle for either,in this case you.
C: Vicky, I'm a big girl, okay? If I want to sleep with him I will,if not, I won't.
V: Cristina, he's a total stranger.
V: It's a mistake, Cristina.
اون پيكي رو من هم يادمه. خيلي ماشين برويي بود. يادمه وقتي واسه اولين بار سوارش شدم، يهوقت ديدم داري با سرعت 110تا ميري و من مونده بودم مگه پيكي هم ميتونه 110تا بره!!!!
پاسخحذفاينجا هنوز هم مردم عقلشون به چشمشونه. من با اينكه ماشينم رو دوست داشتم ولي وقتي خواستم عوضش كنم مجبورم كردن يه ماشين مدل بالاتر بگيرم كه مردم نگن پسرفت كردم!!!!
باهات موافقم ... اینجا خیلی قضاوتها فقط از روی ظاهر آدما و مایتعلقاتشونه (درست نوشتم ؟!!) ... حتی در مورد خودم هم گاهی نمی تونم منکر این قضیه بشم ... یه جایی از تربیتمون اشکال داره ... :(
پاسخحذففکر کنم باید به شما بگویم آقا گرگه آقای محترم!
پاسخحذفp . k مال خیلی وقت پیش است آن موقع شما هم پی کی داشتی هم مهندس بودی هم...
the three of us.
پاسخحذفOh, my God
شکوفههه جالبه! اصلا یادم نبود! وگرنه با 150 میرفتم که غافلگیر شی! در ضمن کار درستی میکنی. هرجایی یجور زندگی و رفتار میخاد
پاسخحذفستاره : پی کی مال خیییلی وقت پیشم نیستااا. صحبت 6 سال پیشه فک کنم!
علیرضاا... همون تیکه رو گیر دادی؟ یالا یه بلاگ بزن یکم چیزای قلمبه بنویس بخونیم ...